Friday, February 14, 2014

Transition Is...Challenging!

When was the last time you started a new job?  How long were you at the previous one?  Did you have a hard time starting over?

On January 27th, I started my new job here in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Columbia, SC.  I worked my last job (my first job as a nurse) for 5.5 years at Rex Hospital in the Special Care Nursery in Raleigh, NC.  I loved it there.  I loved Rex, my coworkers, and my job.

Starting over has been challenging!  Not bad or icky, just hard.  Don't get me wrong, I really, really like the new job.  I do.  The people have been kind, welcoming, and supportive.  Yesterday I met the director of Women's and Children's department (my new boss's boss).  She was in our department, knew I was a new employee, sought me out to say hello and introduce herself.  I was feeding a baby at the time and couldn't stand up and shake hands or salute or anything.  I felt irreverent.  She was very nice, though, thankfully.  I digress.

New job: challenging.  Stay focused, BA.

It's just hard to start over, ya know?  My preceptor said it well.  It is hard to go from being competent, confident and self-sufficient to needing help with everything and second guessing what I thought I knew. (My preceptor has been fantastic.)

Here are a few things I'm learning during this job transition:

1)  Keep my mouth shut about my opinions on everything.  Nobody cares.  At least, not yet they don't.

2)  Stay humble and teachable.  I definitely do NOT know it all.  I have much, much, much to learn.  This NICU is more intensive than Rex.  I have a lot to learn about sicker, smaller babies and their care.  I have a lot to learn about how this hospital does things.  If I can keep an attitude of "I have so much to learn!" it will help keep me in check.

3)  Moderate the sarcasm and snarky-ness.  This is/will be a significant struggle for me.  This is my go-to mode for humor and stress management.  When the pressure is on, I get sassier.  Have to remind myself of #1.  My poor, poor preceptor...

4)  Be kind and helpful, however I can.  I cannot anticipate the needs of my coworkers yet.  I struggle trying to find supplies simply because I'm new.  But I can follow directions and offer helping hands.  I came from a great teamwork environment.  I've already seen a lot of teamwork on this new unit.  That's encouraging.

What else would you add?  What do I need to keep in mind?  What advice do you have for me?

I know transition doesn't last forever.  The discomfort it brings with it drives me to learn, grow, stretch and be better.  I'm going to try and make the most it.

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