Monday, October 31, 2011


I have a love/hate relationship with football.

At times, I love watching football.  The competition of it all, the mind-numbing effect of staring at the tv for a few hours, listening to the announcers try to fill every second of air time with game-related chatter.  Watching football with Scott is one of his love languages, I'm pretty sure.  Wait, I'm POSITIVE.  He's told me so before.  And when a guy says the phrase "love language", one should listen carefully.

At times, I hate watching football.  The commercials seem to have a LOT of scantily clad women in them.  I don't particularly enjoy watching scantily clad women, in general, much less on tv.  The announcers during the game are all "Let's spend twenty minutes watching that play again from seven different camera angles to determine if that was an incomplete pass or a fumble."  And every twelve seconds of game play requires three commercials.  Enter said scantily clad women again.  Sheesh.

My absolute LEAST favorite part of football is pre-game, half-time, or post-game shows.  A group of men sit around and speculate what is going to happen during the game.  At half-time they discuss what has happened so far and what needs to happen in the second half.  After the game is over, the men folk rehash the whole game and talk about whether they were right or not.

Wait, it gets even better.  How about a talk show about FANTASY FOOTBALL.  Now the group of mostly-men are sitting around talking about fictitious football games occurring only in the land of make-believe.  What players should the fantasy football league manager play that week?  Who should be benched?  Speculate, speculate, speculate.  Blah blah blah.  And this isn't even REAL!!!  I can hardly stand it.

Sadly, winning at fantasy football happens to be a tremendous talent of Scott's.  He listens to the jabbermouths on the pre-during-post-fantasy talk shows.  He wishes I would play in his fantasy league.

Maybe I could sign up to be a scantily clad woman and advertise something instead...


Anonymous said...

ahh... football. one of my favorite subjects. I have such a love hate relationship with the sport. my husband is a high school coach so I hate that he's gone so much during the fall, but I love watching him coach, getting to know the kids, going to the high school games. I love having reasons to invite people over and make copious amounts of cheese dip on Saturdays to watch college games. But NFL -- meh. By Sunday I'm done with football.

Sarah said...

Eep! I don't like football, either (because of all the reasons you mentioned.) The only time I watch it is during the Superbowl- and that's just because I get food and friends with the deal:-).

suzanne @ pretty swell said...

Girl. I can relate. My husband doesn't play fantasy football (thank goodness), but the NFL is front-and-center in our lives from August to February. I've grown to like *some* things about it ... but it comes more from the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" mentality than anything else!

nicole said...

I love football, but mainly college. And I have never played fantasy because it gives me tired head. But way to support your husband! ;)

Smiley said...

Fantasy Football does seem like a "safe" escape from reality...better than some other things people do to escape their tedious lives....