Reese and I went to the zoo today. It was a beautiful, sunshiny day, not too chilly (50ish degrees), and also Fridays are free in January and February. WIN.
Reese's favorite parts were the effuhlants and the 'bingos. (translation: elephants and flamingos.)
But this was my favorite conversation snippet:
Me: "Reese! Let's go see the meerkats!"
Reese: "Haircuts?"
Me: "Uhmm...close...MEEEEERKATS."
Reese: "Key-kats?" (kitty cats)
Me: "Meeeeeeeeerkats."
(upon arrival at the exhibit, three meerkats go scurrying by us close to the glass where Reese can see them easily.)
Reese, pointing to the meerkats: "PUPPEEEEE!"
Good times, good times. We'll keep working on our animal identification.