Lemme update you on a few things.
I have about 2+ more weeks on orientation, then I'm ON MY OWN. (singing in best operatic musical voice...Phantom of the Opera maybe?? You know the song I'm talking about...) Sunday and Monday I worked my first two night shifts. It's Wednesday and I'm still groggy, but overall it went well. I think the first time I worked nights (and hated it) was in 2008. No kids. Newly married. In general, I slept a whole lot more than I do now. When I worked nights, I missed my sleep forreal. Don't get me wrong, I will still miss my sleep. A lawt. But there's just less of it these days to miss. Hopefully that will make it a little more tolerable.
I really like the pace of night shift. It's just more relaxed. That works for me.
I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this new hospital. Gaining tee-tiny bits of confidence as I get my feet under me a little better each shift I work. Tons more to learn, but I'm getting there. I've gotten to see colostomy closure surgery, an upper GI study, an exchange transfusion, administered blood, and helped perform post-mortem care (yes, that is always sad). I'm learning and learning and learning!
James and Reese are all busy all the time. James is enjoying playing in the cul-de-sac with two other little boys around his age. Reese tries to keep up and mostly narrowly misses getting run over by them on a regular basis.
Because one pair won't do.
Sometimes you just have to lean against the wall and suck your thumb.
James would always prefer to spend his time driving something.
Scott is still loving his job. He recently passed the next actuary test (his third test in this series, all of which he's passed on the first attempt). YOU GO HONEY!! You is kiiiiiiind, you is SMAAAAAAHT, You is important! He joined a golf league through work and is getting to play once a week. We bought a lawnmower last weekend. He mowed the grass of our very own home for the first time last Saturday. Both the buying of the mower and the utilization of the mower felt like new home owner milestones to me. Yay for us!
In March we had company for three consecutive weekends. To me, that is ideal. People people people and more people. I love it. Scott may or may not have been totally worn out by all the people-ing. First Aunt Nikki came to see us from Boone. Sister time is VERY IMPORTANT. :) We had a brief, good visit which apparently I did not photographically document in any way. Awesome.
Next into town was Scott's parents. It is always so great to see them and watch them interact with James and Reese. Grandkids and grandparents have such special relationships. I am so, so, so grateful for how awesome my kids' grandparents are! I don't believe I took any pictures of the Davidsons while they were here. I'm so fired.
Brandi was the final round of weekend company. I met her my freshman year at NC State. We were roommates for a couple of years in college. She is one of my longest-standing friendships and I love being around her. She's one of the few people on the planet that can handle ALL THE WORDS that I can produce. I have a never-ending supply of words, in case you didn't know. Brandi knows. And she's still alive. God bless her. And look, we took some pictures while she was here!
Reese really loved to smell Brandi's coffee.
Friends for a really long time. :)
Birthday dinner for Scott!
That's enough of an update for now!